Become a Friend of the Trust
Good audiences and a healthy membership support our applications for funding future events and means we can continue to bring high quality performance and cultural experiences to Arran. With your membership we can also broaden our programming; listening to each of you so that we can provide something for everyone.
We exist to ensure the community has access to high quality, varied art events, so please join today if you haven’t already, even if you can’t attend every event.

How you can support us
Become a Friend of the Trust or renew your membership of the Friends
Make a one-off donation
Become a sponsor or advertise in our programme
Help us add to our supporters by sharing information about us to friends, family and colleagues
Bring someone new along to our next event
Speak to us about leaving a Legacy donation

To make a one-off donation, click here:
Become a Friend of the Trust
To join the Friends of Arran Theatre and Arts Trust you can do one of the following:
Submit the form to the left, selecting to pay your subscription fee via PayPal as prompted
Submit the form to the left, paying your subscription fee via direct bank transfer (BACS) using the following bank details:
Sort Code: 80-05-84
Account Number: 06002929
Fill in and email the below version of this form to, and pay online using the above bank details.
Print and complete the below version of this form and return it by post to Lynda Blair at Kiscadale Lodge, Whiting Bay, KA27 8PR, with either a £10 or cheque made out to Arran Theatre and Arts Trust Ltd.
print and return this form and hand it to Lynda with your chosen payment method at one of our events.